SQL Server 2008, together with Visual Studio 2008 and Windows Server 2008, will be launched on the 27th of February. More information can be found here.
Greg Low once launched a nice suggestion for deferred constraints but unfortunately it did not make it to SQL Server 2008. But not to worry there are lot of other exciting features ;-)
Also some nice features in Windows 2008, for the I/O lovers: there is an internal limit of 64k per I/O request in earlier version of Windows, this limit has been removed in the new Windows core.
For Visual Studio 2008 we will see the integration of WF, WCF and WPF and of course LINQ.
Seeing the end of February date reminded me of a really stupid joke someone sent me.
So for the geeks among us:
It is March 1st and the first day of DBMS school
The teacher starts off with a role call.. Teacher: Oracle?
"Present sir"
Teacher: DB2?
"Present sir"
Teacher: SQL Server?
"Present sir"
Teacher: MySQL?
Teacher: MySQL?
Teacher: Where the hell is MySQL
[In rushes MySQL, unshaved, hair a mess]
Teacher: Where have you been MySQL
"Sorry sir I thought it was February 31st"