Tuesday, November 08, 2005

Reporting Services 2005 for clientside reports

Aha, I've been given the assignment to investigate the feasibility of Reporting Services 2005 for our online reports in the client application.

This however requires some specific features:
- multiple language
- take xml as input (using xpath in textboxes)
- import of ActiveReports files
- ...

Does anyone have any experience with this yet?


Anonymous said...

So apparently you are using ActiveReports today. Since it implements all of these features already (multiple languages & XML data sources), why not stick with it?

WesleyB said...

We use Reporting Services for other purposes too and there will be some new project with RS too. Given this we would like to use 1 uniform reporting environment.

Anonymous said...

You might want to check this out:

WesleyB said...

Thanks I'll check it out!